Welcome Back!
We started off the 2018-2019 school year with a "first night" of school on August 16 that included orientation, classes, and activities for a minimal school day from 4 to 8 p.m.
Parents; our Home & School leader, Eliana Alexander, and treasurer, Lavinia Mikle; and other friends of the school attended. Organizational meetings were held for Home & School, fundraising, and special projects.
We are excited about the new Bible curriculum. Encounter is a dynamic, interactive, and personal approach to building relationship with Christ and others. Our classroom has a new Bible study corner.
During activities, childern participated in a cups race. Two teams each had a set of cups with the Old and New Testament books written on them. The cups were all mixed up. The teams raced to see which could stack them in order fastest.
The dads and the pastor worked on a "get acquainted" witnessing poster during a Bible activity.
We shared a potluck meal.
Classroom: First Night
Classroom: First Night
Game Time: First Night
Testaments Cups Race
Testaments Cups Race Team
Testaments Cups Race Team
Testaments Cups Race Team
Home & School Leader and Treasurer
The Dads and the Pastor Work on Witnessing Poster
Potluck Supper
Potluck Supper
Children at Potluck Supper